Saturday, 12 December 2015

List of Verified Mobile Phone Codes May Shock You

Everyone sometimes facing problems for their mobile phones because  it does not work with full functionality especially for touchscreen smartphones, to resolve these issue, here you can get some used and verified secret codes for mobile phones, through which you can use a phone in critical conditions.

SL. No.CodeDescription

Common Codes For All Mobile Phones

1Press # for more than one secondsActivate or deactivate silent mode
2*#43#[Press Dial Button]Show call waiting Status
3*#0000# or *#999#Display Moble Model & Version
4*Later [seconds]#Send SMS when u want, Just enter the how many seconds delayed you want(Exp:*Later 5000#hello see u soon
5*#12580*369#                       Display software and hardware Version
6*#*#7780#*#* Reset  to factory state
7*2767*3855#   Format the Android device
8*#06#Display the IMEI of mobile Phone
9*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*   Backup of  all Media Data
10 *#8999*778#Display SIM card information
11* #*2562#*,  #*3849# Used for  Restarts Phone
12* #*5376#Delete All SMS

* #*2474#Charging Duration
14*#*#34971539#*#*Shows completes information about the camera
15*#*#273283*255*663282*#*#*For a quick backup to all your media files
16*135#[Press Dial]Know Your Own Number

For All Android Phones

1*#0228# , *#*#4636#*#*  Use to check battery statistics
2*#*#34971539#*#*                 Display  camera Details
3*#228#                                     For ADC Reading
4*#*#232338#*#* Show MAC Address (only for devices with WLAN/WiFi)
5*#7465625#                              View To Status of Lock Phone
6*#*#3264#*#* Display Ram Details
7*#*#44336#*#* Show Manufacturing Info
8*#*#232337#*#                     Display Bluetooth address
9*#*#0842#*#*                           On-Off Back-light/vibration
10*#*#232339#*#*                      Check  Wireless LAN
11*#9090#                                Diagnose configuration of Mobile Phone
12*#1111#Display Moble Model & Version
13*#1234#Show Firmware Version
14*#2222#Show  Hardware Version
15*2767*3855#Reset:Erase all data & Setting

1*#7780#Factory Setting & Reset Enter 12345  if required
2*#7370# or *#62209526#Hard Reset & Reset Enter 12345  if required
3*#2820#Show Bluetooth Device Address
4*#62209526#Show MAC Address (only for devices with WLAN/WiFi)
5Press * LongBluetooth on or off
6* + 3 + Calling Button + On-Off SwitchFormat symbian series
7##634#Beginning of Diagnostic tool (windows phones Only)

1*#*#3424#*#*HTC function test Program
2*#*#4636#*#*HTC Info menu
3*#*#8255#*#*launching GTalk Service Monitor
4##3424#Diagnostic mode.
5##3282#for EPST.
6##8626337#for VOCODER
7##33284#Field trial menu.
8##786#Reverse Logistics Support.
9##7738#Protocol Revision.
10##3282# EPST menu
11##8626337# - VOCODER
12##33284# - Field trial menu
13##786# - Reverse Logistics Support
14##7738# - Protocol Revision

In the above list of code, some codes may not work, try other options, If you find any problems in codes write here, or we welcome your suggestions.